Paid for by Pam Costa for School Board 2024
The San Juan Unified School District has had a proud tradition of powerful instructional programs that support success for students throughout the grades. Teachers, administrators, and classified employees are highly skilled and dedicated to the belief that all students can and will learn in our classrooms. Current leaders have built on that solid foundation and further strengthened teaching and learning through focused strategies guided by the Strategic Plan.
My Goals as a Board Member
Provide strong academic programs with supports and interventions so that there are equitable outcomes and success for every student
Continue to increase pathways for Career Technical Education
Prepare each of our students for college, career, and being a responsible citizen
Support equity and diversity professional development for all staff
Continue restorative justice programs for staff and students
Support our special education students with the programs and staff they need to succeed
Ensure that the MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) programs for social-emotional-psychological-academic supports remain funded even in difficult financial times
Be an active listener for all stakeholders—parents, students, teachers, administrators, classified employees and community
Support our Early Childhood Education programs so our youngest learners begin transitional kindergarten and kindergarten ready to learn
Continue afterschool and sports programs that enrich, extend, and support students of all ages
Ensure that the arts are supported even in difficult financial times
Continue to maintain and strengthen our relationships with our labor groups
Continue to spend bond dollars prudently to repair, re-build, and replace our schools
Continue to expand our partnerships with families and community
Ensure that all voices are heard